The Sparklify Book The Sparklify Zone Sparklajewels
“Sparklajewels” is a collection of original jewellery for children created exclusively for Sparklify by Valentina Trotta

The “Sparklajewels” collection Little Earthling Jewels Wear your favourite Earthling jewel and be ready to sparklify!

Millie Moos ‘ stars & feathers hair clip helps Millie to stay connected to the stars and download new sparklify techniques to teach the other earthlings.

Jackster’s sun rucksack zip charm keeps Jackster linked to the solar system
Anna Banana’s Medallion is always ready to warm the coldest hearts and situations

Mio Lao’s wind belt clip ready to change negative outcomes to positive

Alice the Wonder Why’s unicorn hair crown connects her to Uriel the Unicorn for super inspiration

KJ’s pulse band with music note and bells helps him clear the air of negative vibrations and fill it with sparklasound.
“Sparklajewels” is a collection of original jewellery for children created exclusively for Sparklify by Valentina Trotta

The “Sparklajewels” collection Little Earthling Jewels Wear your favourite Earthling jewel and be ready to sparklify!

“Sparklasenses”: Holistic Jewels for kids

Three special jewels that represent the senses through which we perceive the world around us, visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
Each child, according to his "primary" sense, may choose a jewel perfect for them:

Visual jewel: characterized by your favourite colour with glitter/sparkles; choose from blue,green,red, yellow.

Auditory jewel: characterized by bells

Kinesthetic jewel: a fruit shape (taste) with pitted Texture (touch) and can be perfumed with your favourite essense to dab on your pulses or neck!

“Sparklajewels” are personally Sparklified with beautiful positive angelic energy by Sandra from Sparklify (Integrated Energy Therapist ad Angelic Reiki Master) during the glass melting preparation. The intention is that each child wearing the jewel will receive the perfect healing they need.

Twinkle Twinkle Sparklajewels
Little Earthlings Special tools
Keeps us sparkling ever bright
Sparklifying day and night



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